who is

This guy Dan

Daniel James Wolocko is a husband and father of 7 children. He is a physical therapist who specializes in athletic development providing radical, logical, and faith-based suggestions and recommendations for injury care, rehabilitation, fitness, and performance training.

He is eagerly investigating the current state of the domestic church and discovering how God is calling us to support, grow, and defend it. He is also intent on growing in holiness by living the mystery of our Catholicism and integrating the faith into his work in sports healthcare and wellness.

Daniel James Wolocko PT, CSCS
Board Certified Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy

he created 'this guy dan' to

Assist Others On A Pathway Of Athleticism And Healing By Finding Culprits To Injury And Gaps In Development By Encouraging Hope Through Sharing Knowledge Attained Through Kindness, Caring, Truth, Faith, And Unconditional Love.

his intention

‘This Guy Dan’ is a response to a growing, organic Word-Of-Mouth Network calling for help and guidance on how to best navigate health care and wellness in today’s challenging sports and fitness environments.

it was created for those...

in healthcare

Seeking help with providing physical therapy, athletic training, chiropractic, massage therapy, and individualized personal training.

In the community

Coaches and Parents seeking guidance with child and player development

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